Chainsaw Blade Direction How to Set and Check Correctly?

CHAINSAW BLADE DIRECTION: There is no doubt that we need chainsaws for one the other purpose. If we are someone who works on DIY solutions or if we are one of those who are professional with wood works, then having a chainsaw is a must for us. But, getting one chainsaw is not enough to get efficient results.

It is very obvious that buying one chainsaw can be beneficial for you as well as for your work. It would reduce a lot of your hard efforts and help you to cut tough woods very easily. This is possible only when you have got the chainsaw blade direction right. Read About: Compact Circular Saws

Yes, if the blade direction of your chainsaw is not in the right direction, it would not cut the wood properly and moreover, it could be dangerous for the user as well. Therefore, having complete knowledge reading the chainsaw blade direction is very much necessary.

So, if you are one of those who is not sure about the right direction of the blade in the chainsaw that could promote effective working, then here are a few things that you must consider. We are up with complete details and guidelines which would help you to keep the chainsaw blade direction in the right manner and without any difficulty. Must Read About Best Chainsaw Under 200

Chainsaw Blade Direction
Chainsaw Blade Direction

How to Put a Chainsaw Blade on Correctly?

We often think that whenever we buy a chainsaw, we get the blade attached to it in the right direction, but actually, this is not right. Whenever we buy a  chainsaw, we get it in different separate parts and the user or the worker has to assemble these parts in order to start working with the chainsaw.

There are various parts in which this entire tool gets assembled and blade is one part of it. To check if you have got the blade in the right direction, you need to keep a view of it from different directions such as from top, left, right, bottom etc., and once you are sure that the blade is facing the engine and is not in the backward direction, you can get satisfied with the direction of the blade of the chainsaw.

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Following are the step;s that you need to follow in order to get the right chainsaw blade direction;

Step 1

Lose the chain of chainsaw so that you can reach out to the screws loosening which you would be able to separate the various parts of the chainsaw tool.


Step 2

Once you have removed the chain, you can now loose all the screws that are present in the surroundings of the blade. This would further help you to reach out to the blade of the chainsaw very soon.


Step 3

Once all the screws are loose, make sure you are keeping them safe in order to avoid any problem while resembling various parts of chainsaw tools. Now that the screws are loose, you can pull out the blade from the saw tool very carefully.


Step 4

Check the direction of the blade and for it again in the saw in the clockwise direction. You have to make sure that you stop not keeping the blade in the backward direction. The blade should be in front and should face the engine.


Step 5

Join other screws and chain as well to the saw tool and resemble it effectively in order to carry on with the work in a smooth manner.


Above were the ways that you are required to follow in order to get the blade of your chainsaw in the right direction. This process has been used by specialists and popular wood professionals. Therefore, you would definitely get succeeded if you use this process.

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What direction does a chainsaw blade go on?

The direction in which  a chainsaw goes is always a clockwise direction. In the clockwise direction, you would see that the blade of the chainsaw is moving in front and does not go back. Due to this, the danger that is associated with the wrong direction of the blade of the chainsaw gets eliminated and the worker could efficiently carry on his work with his chainsaw tool. Moreover, in clockwise direction, the wood that would be cut by the carpenters would be clean and efficient cut. It would have the time of the user. Moreover it would also keep the user safe from any kind of emergency.

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What happens if you put a chainsaw blade on backwards?

It is always being informed to the workers that chainsaw blade direction should always be in the right direction cutting the edges in clockwise direction. This is because when the blade remains in the front direction, it would cut the object effectively and make it easy for the worker to use the chainsaw. If in any case you are putting a chainsaw blade in a backward direction, you would end up creating an injury for yourself.

Yes, chainsaw blades in backward direction creates risk for the workers to get injured. It can be very dangerous. Moreover, a worker would not be able to cut the object efficiently if the blade is in a backward direction. Therefore, one should not go for wrong blade direction as it would be very dangerous as well as inefficient. Make sure that whenever you are starting your work with a chainsaw, the blade of that chainsaw is not in a backward direction.

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How to know if a chainsaw blade is in the wrong direction?

It is a very well known fact that sometimes, we know what is right but many at times, we are just not able to recognise what is wrong. Therefore, it becomes difficult to work with one such equipment whose rights and wrongs are not known to us. Well, when you are working with one very technical tool like a chainsaw, it becomes very essential to know if all its parts are assembled in the right direction or not.

So if you are aware of the right chainsaw blade direction, you must know before that when the blade of your chainsaw tool is in the wrong direction.

Following are the situations when you can realise that your chainsaw does not have its blade in the right direction :


  • The first situation that speaks your chainsaw blade is in the wrong direction is that you would have to push the chainsaw tool in order to get the required object cut by the chainsaw. This means the chainsaw would not work efficiently on its own and would require extra efforts for the same.


  • There is no doubt that when a chainsaw works effectively, it leaves large wood chips as waste material. But, when your chainsaw would leave fine sawdust instead of those large wood chips, you can understand that your chainsaw blade is in the wrong direction.


  • The chainsaw starts releasing smoke around it when it’s blade is in the wrong direction. Even when the chainsaw has complete lubrication with proper chain tension, this smoke would release.


  • Another thing which could be noticed in a situation where chainsaw blade direction is wrong is, the chainsaw tool keeps on shaking and it often bounces while cutting objects. This is the most significant sign that the chainsaw blade is in the wrong direction.

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At the Glance :Chainsaw Blade Direction-How to Set and Check Correctly?

So with the above discussion, we must have understood that it is very essential to know the right direction in which blade of chainsaw should be in. It becomes necessary for the user to keep the blade of the chainsaw in perfect direction in order to get the required results. The best suitable direction for effective working of chainsaw is clockwise direction in which the blade would be right in front of the engine of chainsaw. Hence, make sure you get the optimum required results while using chainsaw tools.


Chainsaw Blade Direction: How to Set and Check Correctly?

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